Justice Legal Strategies provides a suite of services to progressive legal organizations and their allies that include:
Litigation and Legal Strategy
The heart of Jon Greenbaum’s work for the last three decades has been litigation and legal strategy. This has included every stage of civil litigation from investigation, initial pleadings, expert and fact witness discovery, and appeals. It has also involved developing multi-faceted strategies that have included a combination of litigation, policy, public education, and programmatic work such as Election Protection. Justice Legal Strategies can provide litigation and legal strategy services such as:
- Development and assessment of litigation theories and other legal analyses
- Strategic support and management of litigation
- Assistance in the development of innovative responses that utilize a combination of strategies including litigation and legal advice, public policy and advocacy, public education and communications, and programmatic efforts.
- Legal scenario planning to respond to emerging opportunities or threats such as administration change

“You know how you’re often at a meeting discussing some particularly thorny problem, and there’s always this one person who - no matter what the issue - when they speak, you listen, because they always seem to be coming at the issue in a way that makes you say to yourself, “I wish I’d thought of that?” Well, that’s Jon. Whether the issue is how to approach legal issues or personnel issues or organizational issues, invariably Jon voices a perspective on the issue that directs the discussion, often focusing on aspects that no one else had thought of, and which more often than not leads to what turns out to be the right resolution. I have seldom used the word “brilliant” to describe anyone, but I have used it to describe Jon."
- Ezra Rosenberg
Legal Management, Coaching, and Training.
Jon Greenbaum has more than fifteen years experience as an executive manager that has supervised several units and as many as forty people. He is skilled at structuring a legal department to maximize its impact, helping managers find solutions to challenging problems, and providing guidance to individual employees to improve their work. Justice Legal Strategies can provide the following legal management, coaching, and training services to clients:
- Interim chief counsel/legal director services for organizations in transition
- Legal department structuring or restructuring to achieve greater efficiency and impact
- Coaching services to managers of legal departments and other nonprofit managers to help solve challenging issues
- Skill development in lawyering and management.

“For years, Jon painstakingly prepared me to deliver oral advocacy in high-profile trials: helping me perfect opening and closing arguments in significant affirmative action cases—including in SFFA v. Harvard and SFFA v. UNC. In those cases, my clients’ testimony in defense of affirmative action were significantly featured in district court and appellate opinions, as well as the Supreme Court dissent by Justice Sotomayor. In no small part, that was because of something Jon instilled in me—to center our clients even throughout the most technical and legal arguments.”
- Genevieve Bonadies Torres
Expert Legal Assistance on Civil Rights Issues

As the Chief Counsel for the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, Jon Greenbaum is one of the nation’s leading civil rights lawyers with both broad and deep civil rights experience. Justice Legal Strategies can assist clients on civil rights issues such as:
- Development and implementation of legal strategies to promote voting rights and combat voter suppression
- Advice on how to develop and maintain diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts in light of emerging legal challenges
- Expert assistance to law firms on civil rights issues or improving their pro bono programs.
It has been the privilege of a lifetime to work with Jon Greenbaum over the years to move the needle on both litigation and policy work to advance the right to vote, especially in fighting racial discrimination affecting the right to vote. Jon's leadership in the field has been indispensable to all of the progress on voting rights that our band of warriors has made collectively during the time I have known him. From developing Election Protection, to litigating and arguing key voting rights and other racial justice cases over the years, to serving as co-chair of the Voting Rights Task Force, and to providing indispensable support and guidance to me and so many other colleagues in the field, Jon has been the brick and mortar for so much of our progress on protecting and advancing voting rights.
- Brenda Wright
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